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Our Methodology

The transmission of knowledge would be lopsided sans the effective usage of pedagogical strategies in the world of Education. Why is pedagogy an important aspect of our teaching?

By pedagogy, we mean the dynamic relationship between learning, teaching and culture. ... For many this is simply knowledge being transmitted by their teacher. Their role as students was to receive this knowledge without question or other interaction While we follow the pedagogical implementation that brings in a systematic, measurable and quality assured outcome from the learning community. For effective learning to take place our teachers use effective pedagogical skills to get the ideas across to the learners. They use a wide range of strategies to stretch and challenge students and thereby improve the way all students access the curriculum .This is the crux of the pedagogical effectiveness we aim at achieving in the classrooms.

Effective teaching and learning play a crucial role in students’ engagement attainment and progress in the subject. Direct Interactive teaching is perhaps the most familiar and essentially the natural default style of many teachers, This fails the litmus test of learner attainment as it portrays the teacher as the direct controller of learning activities, The metacognitive process which is based on constructing meaning, enables the learner follow the pattern of concept cartoons, concept map, direct question and diagnostic question. This encourages learning through activities that provide a cognitive conflict which results in arriving at conclusions by discussions. Here, the teacher is a facilitator affording scaffolding techniques for learning in the class. The Kalvi methodology is steered towards this method of teaching.

The key concept of Assessment for learning ,which is a process of seeking and interpreting evidence so that teaching can be precisely matched to the learning needs of the students ,is a pedagogical framework for effective learning, that is incorporated in our teaching strategy.. This brings to the table three vital questions.

  • >Where is the student in the learning?
  • >Where does the student need to go next in their learning?
  • >How is the best way to get there?

All our teachers practicing the pedagogy tools for effective learning believe that this is the underpinning principle of good teaching and integrate it into everyday teaching.

By building learning to learn into the lessons, students gradually become more capable to regulate their own learning, terming them as independent learners.

Teachers’ subject knowledge and their knowledge of how to teach are not mutually exclusive fields. This realisation has given rise to the pedagogical content knowledge which is knowledge of particular specific representation of the subject matter. Diving into this concept the teacher divulges the difficulties learners might face in trying to understand the subject matter. This involvement of the teacher removes the grey areas in student understanding capacity.

Learning occurs most effectively in the joint productive activity where the expert and the novices work together for a common goal and therefore motivated to assist one another. Working with a cognitively challenging curriculum requires careful levelling of tasks so that students are motivated to stretch. It does not mean drill and kill exercises nor does it signify overwhelming challenges that discourage effort. Getting the correct balance to provide appropriate assistance is for the teacher a truly cognitively challenging task ,but our teachers are constantly working on reaching this level when the teacher has produced a learning community of effective effervescence.

The yet another facet of bringing in effective pedagogy to the learners is the instructional dialogue method where the teacher listens carefully, presumes some guesses on the intended meaning and adjusts the responses to assist students’ efforts.

This method that our teachers follow provides opportunities for the development of language instruction and subject matter. These results in a supportive and collaborative learning that builds inter subjectivity and individualization of instruction. Here the teachers reduce the distance between themselves and their students by constructing lessons from common understanding of each others’ experiences and ideas making teaching and learning a warm interpersonal and collaborative activity.

In a nutshell the pedagogy we follow is effective in enhancing learning, showcasing the teacher as a facilitator, coach , evaluator, manager and advocate who masters a repertoire of instructional strategies and methods, Yet remains critical and reflective about the practice of teaching to reap the manifold blossoms of learning.